Paper, Poster and Panel Submissions
Papers and Posters
TPRC will not accept papers already unconditionally accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or conference proceeding, in a law review, or as a chapter in a published book.
Authors may present only one paper or poster at the conference, although they may also participate in a panel or be a coauthor of papers or posters presented by others. An author may submit multiple abstracts for consideration, but at most one will be accepted for the program.
Papers not submitted in final form by August 1, 2023 will be removed from the program.
TPRC is a research conference; therefore, any paper or proposal must meet academic standards of research.
Paper and Poster Proposal Criteria
Proposals are an abstract of the research. Review is of abstracts only. Authors should not submit completed papers as part of their submission. Abstracts should:
Convey the paper’s contributions and approach. This includes explanations of:
a. The research question of the paper or poster;
b. The research methodology employed by the paper or poster, including types of modeling, formal reasoning, and data utilized (empirical methods not required);
c. The disciplinary field(s) to be used in reaching conclusions;
d. Why the research is novel and relevant to contemporary communications policy;
e. Expected results or conclusions.
Be 500 words or less.
Exclude author’s name or other identifying information.
Paper and Poster Review Process:
All abstracts will be evaluated through double-blind peer review and assessed on the merits of the proposed contribution. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the TPRC Program Committee. The chair of the Program Committee is ultimately responsible for final decisions, which are made in consultation with the committee. The Program Committee aspires to provide written feedback to submitters along with notifications.
Important Dates for Paper and Poster Proposals:
Submission of Abstracts: from February 15 through March 15, 2023
Notice of decisions: May 31, 2023
Final accepted papers in full form: August 1, 2023
Panels typically convene a slate of experts to address current topics of interest to the TPRC community. They include:
Three or four panelists plus a moderator. Participants may include scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and industry experts.
60 – 90 minutes of discussion, of which 15 – 30 minutes are reserved for audience questions.
The submitter of an accepted panel is responsible for organizing the session in coordination with the Program Committee.
Panel Proposal Criteria:
When submitting a panel proposal, you should, in 500 words or less:
State the panel’s objectives and topics
Justify its relevance to the TPRC community
Explain the proposed composition of the panel and its diversity of viewpoints, including the perspectives and contributions that each participant will bring to the topic
Include the participants’ names, organizational affiliation, and any other relevant identifying information
Panel Review Process:
Panels are reviewed openly, not through a double-blind process, in order to assess the composition of the panel, its diversity of viewpoint, and its ability to address the proposed topic in a manner appropriate to TPRC. The chair of the Program Committee is ultimately responsible for final decisions, which are made in consultation with the committee.
Note: Submitters must ensure availability of all participants.
Important Dates for Panel Proposals:
Submission of panel proposals: from February 15 through March 15, 2023
Notice of decisions: May 31, 2023